TATL #35: Misconceptions about CLT Part 5 "Correcting Errors Without Interrupting Fluency"

Main Content: Emily and Roger continue their 'continuation' of Error Correction in Communicative Language Teaching. This podcast focuses on the practical use of post it notes. One of the goals of CLT is not to interrupt the flow of language between participants. This helps develop fluency.

What's In My Bag? (WIMB?):

Emily: Sound Canceling Headphones. Blocks out all the noise or turn off the sound cancellation to still hear what's going on around you. Super comfortable. 

Link: https://www.bose.com/en_us/shop_all/headphones/headphones.html

Roger: Scissors. Yes...nice scissors that cut paper nicely.

Link: I bought them at this shop: mLovewell here's their URL http://www.mlovewell.com/shop

Tools to Live By URL http://www.toolstoliveby.com.tw/en/stationery/scissors-letter-opener/tools-to-liveby-scissors-6-5-black/

Comments, suggestions? Email us at: askingtatl@gmail.com