TATL #24: Using Music in Class (Part 1)

Main Content:  Emily and Roger talk about how they use music in class. Emily shared a great idea to get a list of her students' favorite songs and then she finds them and plays them during break time. Really Cool! Roger plays music in class before it starts to create a comfortable atmosphere. There are more tips and ideas discussed in this always nearly 10-minute segment. 

WIMB: (What's in My Bag?)


Dill Pickle Popcorn from Trader Joes


Coffee (and TEA) Pour Over Infuser Thingy from Daiso

TATL #25: Using Music in Class (Part 2)

Main Content

There are specific songs with lyrics for teaching grammar-website (tefltunes.com)

We have a few activities:

Emily: "instrumental journaling"

Roger:"cut up the lyrics"

Tom's Diner plus homework


Emily: DJ Okawari (https://youtu.be/Bm-Ijm5X84w)

Roger: KUSC Classical Music Commercial Free (http://kusc.org/)