TATL #36: Misconceptions about CLT Part 6 "Dealing With the Resistance"

Main Content: Emily and Roger talked about 5 situations that relate to students' resisting a teacher's lessons. Particularly, when the teacher is using communicative activities. Here they are briefly:

Teacher's Mistakes:

1. The teacher is doing too much at once. The students are overwhelmed with the completely unfamiliar activities and lessons.

2. The teacher's way of giving instructions is confusions. Students have a hard time following the activities and lessons. Also, the overarching goals have not been explained well. 

3. The content chosen by the teacher is either too hard, too easy or the actual subject matter is too objectionable to the students.

Student's Mistakes:

4. The students don't trust the teacher. This is true for most things. Trust is the foundation of any relationship.

5. The students just don't care. Sometimes the teacher can do a great job and turn a few of these non-caring students but sometimes nothing can be done at the time to change what a student feels about the class.  

What Are You Listening To? (W.A.Y.L.T.)

Emily: DJ Nubjelis

Link: https://youtu.be/jfFTT3iz740

What's In My Bag? (WIMB?):

Roger: Instant Coffee Packs

Link: https://www.amazon.com/Maxim-Mocha-Gold-Korean-Instant/dp/B003VCULUS/ref=cm_sw_em_r_wlp_ahtaM.HAMFBYD_lm?_encoding=UTF8&colid=3NZZBXFDVN87P&coliid=I23IY38L7Z03XH

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